BILATERALS.ORG WEEKLY weekly | 9-15 Oct 2009
the following were posted on in the past week
------------------------------ NEGOTIATIONS ------------------------------
Pakistan, Turkey agree to start FTA talks | 15-October-2009
Pakistan and Turkey have initiated negotiations on a free trade agreement and a formal accord will be signed during Turkish prime minister’s visit to Pakistan next month.
EU, South Korea ink free-trade deal: commission | 15-October-2009
The European Union and South Korea on Thursday signed a free trade deal which Brussels said would be worth 19 billion euros (28 billion dollars) in new trade for EU exporters.
S.Africa farmers want land in Zimbabwe investment pact | 15-October-2009
While Agri SA has been leading a push for South African farmers to invest and farm in a number of other countries across Africa, including the Republic of Congo, Libya and Zambia, the union has urged its members to stay away from countries where South Africa has no investment protection agreements.
Movimientos de 40 países participan de la Cumbre social del ALBA | 15-October-2009
Representantes de movimientos sociales de 40 países participarán en Bolivia entre el 15 y el 17 de octubre de la primera Cumbre social de la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (ALBA).
En noviembre regirá TLC Colombia-Guatemala | 15-October-2009
Los presidentes de Colombia, Álvaro Uribe, y de Guatemala, Álvaro Colom, intercambiaron documentos para la ratificación del TLC entre los dos países, que entrará en vigor dentro de cuatro semanas.
EU-RP partnership deal will take 2 years - MacDonald | 15-October-2009
The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the Philippines and the European Union, a prerequisite for an FTA, might take two years before being realized, an official said Wednesday.
Accord de libre-échange entre l’UE et la Corée du Sud | 15-October-2009
L’accord, qui pourrait représenter quelque 19 milliards d’euros, est le plus important signé par l’UE avec un pays tiers.
Sindicatos en Norteamérica y Europa se unen en defensa de los derechos humanos y laborales en Colombia | 13-October-2009
Workers Uniting, en representación de tres millones de obreros en Norteamérica, el Reino Unido e Irlanda, ponen fuerte objeción a las amenazas dirigidas contra las críticas de los TLC de Colombia hechas por el vicepresidente colombiano.
Comercio justo en agenda de la VII Cumbre del ALBA | 13-October-2009
La reunión tendrá lugar los días 16 y 17 de octubre en la ciudad de Cochabamba, Bolivia y uno de los momentos más importantes será el encuentro entre los mandatarios y los movimientos sociales.
Perú: Los TLC ponen en riesgo productos de nuestro mar | 13-October-2009
Plantean que recursos extraídos del mar sean considerados productos originarios del país que lo extrajo.
Las mujeres, la soberanía alimentaria y la ASPAN | 13-October-2009
Han transcurrido 15 años a partir de la firma que Canadá, Estados Unidos y México hicieran del TLCAN y que promovió en México la liberalización del comercio exterior, orientando la economía al mercado externo, con la promesa de mejorar la calidad de vida del pueblo.
Uruguay y EE.UU. estrechan relaciones comerciales | 13-October-2009
Quedó expuesta la intención del gobierno de Barack Obama de “tender un puente” con Uruguay, así como también quedó de manifiesto que la administración de Tabaré Vázquez y el Frente Amplio buscan concentrase en posibles beneficios económicos.
Perú y Centroamérica negociarán términos de referencia de TLC en el 2010 | 13-October-2009
El embajador de Perú en El Salvador, Luis Chuquihuara, informó que en el primer trimestre de 2010 se tratarán términos de referencia del TLC con Centroamérica.
El Tratado de Libre Comercio de la UE con Perú se estanca | 13-October-2009
Los peruanos piden que siga habiendo aranceles para los productos pescados en sus aguas.
Mexico revs up war on workers; Obama shrugs | 13-October-2009
Last Saturday night, October 10, several thousand Mexican government agents and police stormed into the headquarters and a hundred substations of the publicly owned electric utility, Luz Y Fuerza.
For safety’s sake | 13-October-2009
Malaysia is about to adopt its biosafety regulations despite pressure from the US Biotechnology Industry Organisation that called on the US trade representative to reject mandatory labelling of GM products in the US-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement, claiming that labelling is tantamount to trade barrier.
World’s poor see few job benefits from trade boom | 12-October-2009
The boom in global trade over the last two decades has not improved the quality of most jobs in poorer countries, the World Trade Organisation and United Nations labour agency (ILO) said on Monday.
Costa Rica: March against impacts of CAFTA | 12-October-2009
On 6 October, two years after the fraud that ordered the adoption of the FTA with the US, there was a People’s Walk for Dignity in the Southern Zone of Costa Rica.
Why did Seoul change to favour free trade with China? | 12-October-2009
Last weekend’s news that South Korea and China had agreed to begin serious negotiations aimed at forging a free trade deal took many analysts by surprise, leading some to ask: What’s in it for Seoul?
New Via Campesina publication: FTAs in South East Asia and East Asia | 12-October-2009
This book is a compilation of various papers that were presented at a strategic meeting organized by La Via Campesina in South Korea in December 2008.
Signature des APE : Vers une autre échéance | 11-October-2009
Pour la signature des Accords de partenariat économique, l’Afrique de l’Ouest et l’Union Européenne vont vers une autre échéance puisque les deux parties ne sont pas prêtes pour signer fin octobre.
La Chine et la Corée du Sud envisagent un accord de libre-échange | 11-October-2009
Un accord de libre-échange apparaît comme nécessaire pour prévenir et réduire les conflits commerciaux et promouvoir l’investissement, principalement dans les secteurs des télécommunications, de l’automobile, de l’acier et de la construction navale.
Le Premier ministre japonais souhaite accélérer la zone de libre-échange trilatérale | 11-October-2009
Le Premier ministre japonais Yukio Hatoyama a appelé samedi à Beijing à une accélération du processus de création d’une zone de libre-échange entre le Japon, la Chine et la République de Corée.
No CEPA with Pakistan before India | 11-October-2009
Sri Lanka is very likely not pursue a comprehensive economic partnership agreement with Pakistan because a similar agreement with India was put in cold storage last year amidst mounting domestic pressure.
US envoy hopeful of Indo-US bilateral investment treaty being endorsed | 11-October-2009
US Ambassador to India Timothy Roemer has said that he is hopeful that a bilateral investment treaty between US and India will be signed by end of the year.
Korea-China FTA returns to agenda | 11-October-2009
A free trade pact between Korea and China is expected to pick up pace after the two countries on Saturday agreed to consider the deal. But a bumpy road is expected because of sensitive issues, such as agriculture.
US eyes free trade pact with SE Asia countries | 11-October-2009
The United States is beginning to lay the initial groundwork for talks to forge a free trade agreement with Southeast Asia, ahead of President Barack Obama’s maiden trip to the region.
EU, Egypt to further liberalise agri-trade ties | 11-October-2009
The European Union’s Council of Ministers on Saturday confirmed the signing of an agreement with Egypt aimed at greater liberalisation of reciprocal trade in agricultural products, processed agricultural products and fish and fishery products.
We need to be more careful in future | 11-October-2009
It is normal for trade agreements to have a political overtone. The Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) initiated by the USA during the 1990s are a good example of this. Its FTAs with Caribbean, South American, North American and African countries covered ‘substantially all the trade’ as required under the WTO norms, but in practice they were all textile-centric , providing for duty-free import of apparel products manufactured out of raw materials obtained from the USA.
NGOs welcome EU’s vow not to push Africa into EPAs | 11-October-2009
Non-governmental organisations have expressed their satisfaction at the European Commission’s declaration that it would not put "undue pressure" on African and other countries to conclude the controversial trade deals called economic partnership agreements (EPAs).
Canada lacks EU preferential trade deal | 11-October-2009
In 2008, when Irish citizens were first asked to vote on the Lisbon Treaty, seen as a key to revitalizing the European Union by giving it more of the power now wielded by its member states, they responded with a definite No. They bought the argument that this would erode Irish sovereignty.
Comesa Compensates Country for Losses Resulting From EAC Integration | 11-October-2009
In a move to compensate revenue losses accrued by Rwanda as a result of having a common external tariff after the adoption of the EAC customs union protocol, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa) will disburse €10.3 million (Frw 8.8 billion) through budget support for the fiscal year 2009/10.
Lugar to introduce legislation on free trade with ASEAN | 11-October-2009
An influential Republican Senator has announced to introduce a legislation in US Senate next week for free trade agreement negotiations between the United States and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
South India farmers against WTO and FTAs | 10-October-2009
We resolve to form South Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers Movements (SICCFM) to oppose and struggle against the WTO and the FTAs which liberalize our agriculture and facilitate the takeover of Indian agriculture by the corporations and force the Indian farmers to quit agriculture or commit suicide.
Germany urges Namibia to sign EPA | 9-October-2009
Germany this week urged Namibia to sign the contentious Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union (EPA) as the deadline for the controversial trade agreement draws closer.
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