03 junio, 2020

George Floyd should still be alive

George Floyd should still be alive.

Tony McDade should still be alive.

Breona Taylor should still be alive.

Michael Brown should still be alive.

Eric Garner should still be alive.

Sandra Bland should still be alive.

Philando Castile should still be alive.

ACLU Supporter, no one should have to live in fear of being killed by the police, but for centuries Black and Brown people have been targeted, harassed, and murdered at the hands of law enforcement in this country.

It is on all of us to fight for a world where being Black in America isn't a death sentence.
Following the tragic killing of George Floyd, a Black man, by Minneapolis police earlier this week – the ACLU and our affiliate the ACLU of Minnesota are jointly calling for a fair, independent, and transparent investigation.

The officers responsible must be held accountable and their prosecution should be handled by someone the community can trust to be impartial.
It is going to take all of us working together to ensure a fair investigation and justice for George Floyd. Please take action now.
Thank you,

The ACLU Team

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