June 21-26: Building a Cross-Continental Movement
SOA Watch Encuentro
We invite you to be part of a historic gathering in Venezuela this summer that will launch a vibrant South-North SOA Watch movement of the Americas!
From June 21-26, 2010, anti-militarization activists and human rights defenders from across the Americas will be gathering at the South-North SOA Watch Encuentro in Venezuela to strategize on ways to work together to close the SOA/ WHINSEC, and to open connections that honor the dignity and sovereignty of all people.
The Encuentro will bring together grassroots organizers and human rights leaders from Argentina, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the United States, Uruguay, and Venezuela. The Encuentro builds upon the visits of SOA Watch's Partnership America Latina (PAL) to 16 Latin American countries that led to announcements by 5 countries of their withdrawal from the SOA/ WHINSEC.
If you are an SOA Watch activist that has participated in organizing efforts to close the SOA, and if you have the interest and energy to help launch this new phase of the SOA Watch movement, we invite you to apply to participate as a representative to the Encuentro.
Participation will be limited to approximately 12 representatives from the U.S. and Canada, in order to ensure a balance of representatives at the gathering from different corners of the Americas. A balance of representation from different parts of the U.S. and Canada will also be a goal. Spanish language fluency is not a requirement for participation, as there will be translation at the event.
Representatives to the SOA Watch Encuentro, along with their local groups, are expected to raise funds for their round-trip airfare to Venezuela, and for the Encuentro fee of $500 that covers all in-country transportation, food, lodging, materials and translation.
History is made by movements of people who organize themselves to struggle collectively for a better world.
Click here to Download the SOA Watch Encuentro application form.
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